미국 시애틀에 설치된 밝은 청색 LED 가로등(blue-rich LED streetlights)이 건강을 해칠 수 있다는 경고가 나왔다고 미주중앙일보가 최근 보도했다.
미주중앙일보는 ‘Q 13 뉴스’를 인용해 미국의학협회(AMA)가 시애틀의 지나치게 밝은 청색 LED 가로등이 비만 등 건강 문제를 일으킬 수 있는 것으로 경고했다고 보도했다.
AMA 보고서에 따르면 시애틀의 청색 LED 가로등에서는 청색광(블루라이트) 파장이 나오며 이에 노출되면 멜라토닌 분비가 줄어든다. 청색 LED 가로등 램프는 일반 가로등 램프보다 생물학적 수면 리듬에 5배나 영향을 미쳐 수면을 방해한다.
수면의 질이 떨어지면 주간활동에 지장을 주고 비만을 유발할 수 있다. 특히 밤에 강렬한 빛에 노출되면 암, 당뇨병, 심혈관 질환, 비만 등의 위험이 높아진다. AMA는 “3000K 이하의 LED 가로등을 설치해 청색광 발산을 최소화해야 한다”고 권고했다.
시애틀시는 2009년부터 종전 고압나트륨 조명을 LED로 교체하기 시작했다. 저렴, 에너지 절감, 친환경 등 장점 때문이다.
New research shows LED street lights cause health problems
SEATTLE -- New research shows LED street lights have harmful effects. The American Medical Association released a warning earlier this year against high-intensity street lights like those found in Seattle could cause a host of medical issues, including obesity.
In the AMA report, researchers said “blue-rich LED streetlights operate at a wavelength that most adversely suppresses melatonin during night. It is estimated that white LED lamps have five times greater impact on circadian sleep rhythms than conventional street lamps. Recent large surveys found that brighter residential nighttime lighting is associated with reduced sleep times, dissatisfaction with sleep quality, excessive sleepiness, impaired daytime functioning and obesity.”
“I had to look at the clock twice and look outside twice,” recalled Cody Spencer on Thursday morning. “I thought, oh, it’s those darn lights they put up last night.”
Spencer lives in Alki. His street is getting overhauled from high pressure sodium lights to LED.
He said it was so bright, “I just thought the sun had come out early.” He said the streets are noticeably brighter, but the light does not travel across the sidewalk.
“It definitely cuts a lot of the light pollution that kind of goes into these houses from the lights before,” he said.
Seattle requires that their LED street lights come equipped with shields that can direct the light away from homes and into the street. A flexible neck on the street lamp itself allows for custom focus.
“All of our lights have the ability to tilt to get the light off of a home,” said Edward Smalley, a manager at Seattle City Light. “These are just requirements, these weren’t available when we first started looking at LED lights.”
Seattle started replacing their high pressure sodium lights back in 2009 to LED. They say they are cheaper for the city, saving energy and the environment.
“Rather than lasting three to four years, the lamp source in the LEDs can last 12 to 15 more years,” said Smalley.
When an LED lamp burns out, they can be easily tossed out. A high pressure sodium bulb can’t, because it contains components toxic to the environment.
“With each lamp that came out, we had a team at Seattle City Light that takes those lamps, bags them in a certain way and disposes of those as hazardous waste,” said Smalley.
“I am very much into environmental sustainability and I know that LEDs are much easier to dispose of and recycle than the high sodium bulbs before,” said Spencer.
There are a many positives to LED street lights that the AMA concedes are notable. But the major problem they cite comes from the blueness of the LED. They said it can disrupt sleep patterns, decreasing the melatonin that is produced in the brain.
“We have to look at that information and take it really seriously,” said Smalley of the research.
Some cities are reducing their LED bulbs from 4,000 Kelvin to 3,000K, referring to the color of the light.
The lower the Kelvin, the less blue that is being emitted. Seattle said that 3,000K was not available when they made the switch to LED seven years ago. The lights they use are 4,000K, but the improvements to the engineering of the lamp itself they said help.
“If you’re going to walk into a 7-11 at night,” explained Smalley, “it’s going to be 20 times what you just experienced on those light levels on the street at night.”
Seattle said they will consider 3,000K lights moving forward, but do not have immediate plans to replace their 4,000K lights.
They said LED lights are safer for pedestrians and drivers, than the older alternative.
“They are definitely a lot brighter, so it’s a lot safer at night time,” said Spencer.
시당국은 "기존 램프는 3~4년밖에 못쓰지만 LED는 12~15년 이상도 갈 수 있으며, LED 램프가 소모되면 쉽게 버릴 수 있지만 기존 벌브는 독성이 포함돼 있어 환경에도 좋지 않아 버릴 수도 없다"고 주장했다. 이 때문에 일부 도시는 LED 벌브의 빛에서 블루 라이트가 적게 나오도록 색온도 4000K에서 3000K로 줄이고 있다. K가 낮을수록 블루 라이트가 적게 나온다.
시당국은 또 "7년 전 LED로 교체할 때는 3000K가 없었기 때문에 4000K를 써왔다"고 밝혔다. 시는 앞으로 3000K를 쓰는 방안도 고려하고 있다. 경찰관·운전자들은 밝은 LED 가로등을 좋아하고 있다. 특히 경찰관들은 LED 덕분에 이전보다 더 정확한 목격자 진술을 얻을 수 있다는 것이다.
[미주중앙일보 : (http://www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?art_id=4641155 ) ]
영화 '시애틀의 잠못이루는 밤'(1993) 스틸.
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